Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The aftermath of this year has lead me to many different places.
different address, different hairstyle, different family, different job, different plans.
Considering there is 365 days in a year pretty much sums up the reasoning behind all these changes, but I, personally, beg to differ.

There are spaces in time where my emotions stretch deeper than the pacific and no matter how long I swim I can never reach the surface. I figured it was some new grief I had to deal with now due to all the new change, but the more and more it happened,it  led me to believe that these certain spaces aren't new at all, but very very very old. Sometimes I would send a S.O.S out to the nearest person, or I train myself to hold my breath, either way I still sink down very quickly and not so quietly. I think the longer you let things stack up the steeper they fall, well of course thats what happens, its pure physics, but what I am getting at is no matter the years that have passed, when I feel the sudden aftermaths I still feel like it was just yesterday when all this chaos unfolded. This year hasn't been full of many surprises, honestly, but it has moved a lot quicker than I would have liked it too. On second thought, I like the way 2012 sounds and besides I think I only have about a year left before the world ends, so I better get to writing ha ha.
Cheers to new adventures, unforeseen love, and more lessons learned, hopefully a little more graceful.


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