Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Honey, It's Alright

wake up, it's morning
wake up, my darling
wake up and see for yourself

you were woven in patchwork
clouded and hazed
in your past like a lover can be

honey, it's alright to be

despite all our shuffling
our train wreck a-talking
despite all our outfield saves
treading water
the sea was your daughter
but now she's gone

it's alright
honey, it's alright
it's alright to be alone

honey, it's alright
honey, it's alright
to be amongst the rubble and stone

-Gregory Alan Isakov


Friday, July 5, 2013

Wailing Wall.

It's the cold autumn air you breath out when you sigh after exiting a coffee shop where you met your friend to share some life with. 
It's the silence outside in between the early morning and the late night where existence bows to itself and rest its hands on the shoulders of earth. 
It's the deep breath you take after releasing tears of fear from the undoing he is capable of from taking too much from you.
It's the song you hear, when nothing was said, but doesn't need to be, because your hearing it all now.
It's the laughing by yourself after watching something you knew she would have loved, so you laugh harder to make up for her absence. 
It's the old writings you kept to just relive those heart pangs to make sure you never die without feeling alive again.
It's the old forgotten photographs you find when you need some peace with time. 
It's the rest during an embrace when he knows you heart needs some lifting. 
It's the understanding eye contact you share with a sibling during an uncomfortable situation. 
It's the peace you find with driving around aimlessly with no expectation of destination. 
It's you.


Monday, July 1, 2013


Time has a way of uncovering the truth behind things. I just wish I didn't have so many things.
