Monday, June 6, 2011

I see England, I see France, I decided... I need new Pants!

So, tragically, on a sunday summer evening, my favorite black skinny ankle hugging jeans went Kaputs. 
They served me well on many of my co co loco runs and late evening concert bashes, but all good things must come to an end.
You must be wondering why I just wasted 42 words on a pair of urban skinny jeans, Well because its ironic, thats why damnit.
I am on this new medication. The kind where it has 36 different side-affects and you must check in with your psychiatrist regularly to secure your safety. 
It doesn't make me happy but it brings me back to zero, rather than negative five so I can start functioning the way a normal nine-teen year old should be, or so I think they should.
It is my fourth day on it and I feel a difference. I feel like the darkness doesn't feel so dark and that my heaviness feels more like styrofoam instead of bricks.  
Sure there is much more than just a pop of a pill that needs to addressed, but now I can see through clearer eyes while I am driving to that road and I am okay with that.
 So as I am bidding adieu to my leg slimming, butt hugging, black hipster pants I can say "bonjour" to a more processed, revived and cheeky pair of some faded aqua skinnies. 
Cheers to new trousers, ( clink).


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