Thursday, November 3, 2011


As seasons flow like the inventory at my store, I still tend to doubt the stability in things, but that doesnt create me to not learn while filing away at the unwanted truths.

Things I have learned recently,
1. Even though I receive 50% off of the whole store of Gap, doesn't mean I should buy things that I most likely would not have purchased at full price. My clothing consumption has reached its limits.
2. No matter how much emergency' I drink to get rid of my ongoing cold, nothing will destroy it like quitting my cigarette smoking or taking a vacation from it. 
3. No matter if I give it my best when it comes to work, I should continue to stream the question " Is there a better way to do this," because sometimes there is, and that doesn't make a weak worker.
4. The feeling of wanting a boyfriend has taken over my free thinking, however knowing that only makes me want to work harder in therapy, so I can be a great girlfriend, friend, and one day mother.
5. The lack of healthy constant friendships in my life has made a big hole in my heart and I should never let obligations get in the way of spending time with the people I consider my best friends. No matter how much work goes into it, the result is what life should be about.
6. The running back and forth at work does not count as a workout and that my pant size has doubled in the last 6 months, its time for an intervention. 
7. That forgiveness isn't about letting the person off the hook for the wrong that was done to you, but giving up the hope of a better   or different yesterday and finding peace in that and in God.

So there you go readers, the seven searing truths. Thanks for listening, and as always go on going on. 

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