Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Heart Logic.

Tricked ya.
Because any reckless, open-hearted, over-analyzer KNOWS that heart has no logic, Well not sub consciously anyways.
So what one must do to acquire it you ask?
NADA. If you trust God with your heart than thats all the logic you need, ha ha.
I mean I believe that, I do, I do, But most the time, lately its been Molly making decisions, not God.
Not by choice. I might not see eye-to-eye with God but I have never stopped searching, never stopped digging, so why does every choice I have made consisted of me, back peddling on a path that is not mine to begin with, while wearing soggy clothes.
I dont know, I can't begin to start naming God's "logic". But God is Good, Which makes his creations Good, and since I am his creation, I will be okay, say it with me now " I WILL BE OKAY," But when my dad asks me when my heart will be ready for change, I say " I don't know."
Because I don't. I know that my dad re-marrying is the most bittersweet pill I have ever been given, and I get sick alot.
My friend Marcus couldn't have sang it more sweetly,
And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no"
Yes, my heart told my head
"This time no
This time no"

- Mumford & Sons
I wish I could match my words with my heart, but I can't and love is tricky, and my love is dwindling and spinning with new colors and new directions, and the tickets for admission are expensive.


1 comment:

  1. I love your words more and more each day.

    and I have a lot saved up for that ticket :) and more where that came from :)

    I heart you eternally
